Troop 577 has been offering a fun and active scouting program to boys 11-17 since 1974. We have been providing the scouting experience for over 50 years. Our scouts go hiking, camping, backpacking, and more. They learn first aid, cooking, knots, and many other useful lifelong skills. Through the patrol method, community service projects, and a scout-lead troop, our scouts develop leadership, character, and become good citizens.
Our scouts have lots of opportunities to spend time outdoors. Every month our troop has an outdoor activity, often weekend camping trips. Our scouts enjoy a weeklong camp each summer.They have hiked the backcountry trails of Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, sailed the Flordia keys at Sea Base, and paddled the waters of Minnesota and Canada at Nothern Tier.
Scouting challenges the scouts with new, safe experiences that push them beyond their comfort zones. While they're having fun with their friends, they're building character and developing leadership skills.The BSA's vision statement is to 'prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law.'
If you're interested in visiting us, signing up, or if you just have questions please: Reuqest More Information.